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The Ones Who Love You Most

Think of the ones who love you the most
Consider the lengths they’d go to be close
Ponder the kindest soul you know
Who offers you hope in your lowest low
Such love so strong — affection so deep
Compared to His… such love is cheap.

– EstherV

In A Room with Other Siblings

In a room with other siblings
In a crowd of similar souls
You might not feel too individual
It may be through them that you’re “known”
Yet there’s depths to you to discover
Countless treasures (He hid) to be found
It takes a kindred soul to uncover
The more in you that’s uniquely profound

– EstherV

A Sacred Still

Before the sun slips above the horizon,
And the sound of feet flutter through the house,
There’s a sacred still —
A brief sample of heaven on earth
When the Most High
Offers Himself to those who

– EstherV

Let Me Not Forget

Let me not forget the way You see me,
And may it change the way I see myself.
Free me to see Eternity’s beauty,
And to hold a shiftless gaze with Thyself.

Saturate my soul with desire for You,
That only in seeking I’m satisfied.
Tear away this torn frame and make me new;
Hide me under Your wing where I’ll abide

Let me not forget the way You made me,
In secret You wove my soul together.
You know my thoughts before one comes to be,
And you will be my Refuge, forever.

Let me never forget who You are, Lord;
Help me strive for the Eternal Reward.

– EstherV

Sincerely, Kindred

Oh precious jewel antique,
Ripened for Heav’n,  adieu.
Peace for thee we seek
In that holy immaculate lieu;
Adorned with canopied love,
Dwell where tis forever sublime.
He’ll envelop thee like a glove,
Adieu to this temp’ry ticking time.
Receive your crown sweet princess.
Intrepid, replenish your spirit.
We’ll remember you no less;
Thine life to us was a merit.

I beseech thee no longer to pine—
Go now to the immortal shrine.

– EstherV

for Ammamma